Review Policy

Any item passed to me is considered carefully and with appreciation of the designer's hard work. I have a diverse taste and I enjoy all styles, but if I am unable to blog the item, I will not blog it. My main interest is putting together a look in the appropriate setting and then photographing it rather than advertising product, so please be advised of that. 

If you are not on my review list and I blog about an item of yours, more than likely I will inform you inworld via NC as a courtesy to you. Any pictures I take and anything written by me in regards to your product is yours to do with as you will. I do this for your knowledge; please don't take it to mean I am asking for free things or a job. In fact, I will never approach designers in regards to acquiring review items. This blog is for fun and I happily part with Lindens in support of those content makers that work so hard to feed my shopping addiction.

If you have men's wear you wish to have reviewed, please send to Xomar Mycron, my menswear contributor.

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