In case you haven't heard, Glam Affair, one of Second Life's prominent skin makers, is having a fun photo contest for the 'Amberly' line of skin. Me? I can't turn down a photo contest. More information and the rules can be found here.
For my first entry I chose Skin #12 with the deep red lip and minimal eye makeup. My second entry I had much debate over. For one, the rules state that no special promotion skins can be added into the contest. I really love the Dead Apples skin line. I think they are very special and unique in the otherwise average world of skin tones. Since it's sold in-store, I decided to give it a go. My second entry is Amberly - Petal Edition - Sick. If it doesn't qualify, well, it's still a beautiful skin and deserves face time.
First Photo*
Dress Top: Apple May - Lavish II (Red)
Necklace: (DF) Donna Flora - MIRELLA (Gold)
Hair: [LeLutka] - Pocahontas (Marilyn)
Eyes: IKON - Eternal Eyes (Floe)
Lashes: ::BB:: BeetleBones Dollface
Skin: Glam Affair - Amberly #12 (Artic w/ freckles B01)
Second Photo*
Necklace: Lassitude & Ennui Stacked Pearls for Free*Style
Hair: Truth - Magdalena (Pearl w/roots)
Eyes: IKON - Lucid Eyes (Machine)New! [March group gift]
Lashes: ::BB:: BeetleBones Minimal
Skin: Glam Affair - Amberly (Petal edition) Dead Apples Sick