Happy Birthday, Truth District
Have you been around the Truth District yet? There is a sale going on until July 7th in celebration of Truth District's birthday. Some select Truth hairs are discounted, a gorgeous jewelry set from Earthstones is half price, and Aura has a free dress for those sporting the Truth District group tag. Other Truth District stores are participating as well, so make sure you check it out!
Dress: Aura - Summer Sun Short Maxi {Mesh} [Truth District group gift]
Necklace: Miel - Cue
Bracelet: Star Fashion - Kashmir Bracelet (Brown)
Hair: Truth - Parisa (Cranberry){Mesh}
Skin: Curio - Yum (Moonbeam)
Eyes: IKON - Pale Turquoise
Nails: Leverocci - Round nails{Mesh}
Pose: Tram [Free group gift]